As sales of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid/electric vehicles (HEVs) increase every year, purchasers will demand greater accessibility to charging stations. Of course, the most convenient place to recharge is at home.
But not all household electrical services will be able to handle the demand.
Homeowners will need to consider the power available in their homes for private charging and what it means for their vehicle. For example, new EV/HEV vehicle purchases might include an adaptor for a standard 120V household current. For faster charging, homeowners would need a dedicated 240V circuit, similar to the ones used by a standard electric clothes-dryer.
Most modern homes are more than capable of handling the significant draw of an EV charging, but some older homes with less efficient wiring and smaller panels may struggle to meet the significant demands of the current plugged in family. Sharing a circuit with other appliances can increase the amount of time it takes to charge a vehicle and depending on what else you have running, may result in a lot of tripped breakers. Having a licensed electrician visit your home is the best first step.
The electrician will determine:
- Where the service should be placed in relation to your panel and where you intend to park your vehicle
- Complete a load calculation of your existing service
- Provide you with information on the scope of the work including what inspections and permits would be required.
- Provide you with quote in writing.
Remember, even if the purchase of an electric vehicle is not in your immediate plans, a vehicle charger will be an added feature when it’s time to sell your home.
Want to go all in with being green? Some homeowners are installing dedicated solar panels and battery storage options to get their vehicle use completely off the grid. This option doesn’t come without significant investment, both in planning time and costs. You should also consider that it may not have a dollar for dollar payback on the real estate market, at least not yet. But if you are keen to be green check out this article on Powering Your EV Without The Grid.